Aries Spring In A Yukata Wishes You A Happy Valentine’s Day

Art #1

Happy Valentine’s Day! To all you smug looking couples with your fancy flowers and your shiny presents, I hope you have a wonderful day filled with cheesy romance and awkward intimacy! I also hope you spend a lot of money, haha!

Alright crude jokes aside, I truly do wish that today will be a special day for all those celebrating Valentine’s Day. Aries Spring wishes that too! May you all be filled with heartwarming love from your loved ones, be it friend, family, or lover. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Now that we’ve gotten the formalities out of the way, let’s talk about the card. I’ve personally never really been one to celebrate Valentine’s Day, but thanks to two certain people, I was inspired to make my own Valentine’s Day Card.

These people were none other than Jon from Jon Spencer Reviews and K from K at the Movies! They both created fun and iconic original Valentine’s Day cards, and those definitely caught my attention. It was then that I found a use for my fan art of Aries Spring that I did up a couple months back. So thanks! Definitely check them out here if you haven’t already!

Jon: Creating 20 Original Anime Valentine’s Cards

K: Valentine’s Day Cards GUARANTEED To Make Your Crush Notice You!

As if it wasn’t obvious enough, the gorgeous girl in the card is the ever beautiful Aries Spring who stole my heart in the anime Astra Lost in Space. I thought It’d be cool to put Aries Spring in a yukata, so I fiddled with her outfit a little in Adobe Illustrator.

She’s my first ever character drawn using Adobe Illustrator, and as you can tell it still needs a LOT of work. I’m not too pleased with a lot of things in the art, but it would be a lie to say I wasn’t proud of it as my first ever fan art creation.

Despite completing it a few months ago, I never really had a reason or a desire to post it on my blog, until I stumbled upon both Jon and K’s tweets of their posts on twitter. Who would’ve thought that two other dudes would be my reason for deciding to do something for Valentine’s Day.

So there you have it. I decided to release my Aries Spring fan art in the form of an Aries Spring Valentine’s Day card. Now that I’m done with one, consider this the first of many more to come. This definitely feels like an interesting project I could pick up on.

But anyway, If you read this far, I’d appreciate if you told me how the art or the card looks. Once again, Happy Valentine’s Day and thanks for reading!